
100+ have "exploited" the HCoF bug, and thus they were all given a temporary suspension. What kind of a lame excuse is that? GMs thought banning these people is an appropriate method, but excuse me, don't attempt to hide your sorry ass, and yes, I'll be as blunt as I want, because I am one of those people who 'exploited' your HCoF bug or whatever you call it. I won't even go that far and call it an exploitation; it is called READING YOUR HCOF UPDATE MESSAGE THAT APPEARED AND THEN LOGGING ONTO THE HCOF BUT THEN EVERYTHING JUST FAILED. Database/server error has occured. Is it really our fault if you just make it so gullible; I mean, shouldn't you at least check if the HCoF is functioning properly first before deciding to shift all the blame to all of us. If you can't even maintain HCoF's system, don't bother with it, most of us are already fed up with the amount of crap in HCoF that are charged with over-expensive prices.

So now, I've been given a temporary suspension until all items claimed from HCoF are removed. Oh wait, have I complained about the GMs' lack of commitment yet? There were crazy lag spikes that occur every now and then, yet they did nothing apart from giving us more and more Server maintenance that did absolute jacksh*t. It is becoming LAGGIER than ever. Stop wasting our time. And what's with the other time when you guys banned me after I broaded selling GP items...for absolutely no reason. I was proven innocent at the end, but excuse me, what was the reason behind the suspension and where is the sorry? Is saying sorry really hard? Just because you are 'Game Master' doesn't mean you are not human. You are in the same tier as everyone else in the society hierachy. Ok I take it back, you are below the 'scums' tier and I think it is time for you guys to at least be apologetic for scamming us players for so long.

Anyway, since SGE is not letting me play, I decide to move back to jGE, and wtf, is not working. I did a bit more research to realise jGE is under patch to rennaissance...but err, why is the whole of hanbitstation website not working then?
現在,運営のやる気的なものは感じなくも無いがどうも...それはお金と時間のむだした。 何もできませんね...それは不公平ではないでしょうか。 このままでは、かんにんぶくるのおが切れる
(,,#゚Д゚) GE 生活は...大変だね (_ _") 正直に言うと、この夏に楽しみたいですよ、まだまだ、なにどうすんだよ?!ヒドイ ヒドイ!!!!!!!!!!

Never give up, my motto hehe
