
I realised that I haven't posted any new entries lately, so I've decided to relief the burden in my heart and just write my craps onto here...

To be honest, nothing much had happened... well, there was the experience boost event but frankly, those clovers were a massive scam...oh wait, they still spawn now, and I don't even eff-ing know why they still exist in the game when they don't give you the exp-boost buff like they've promised... Oh, I did manage to level up my Fengling to master! Woooo grats~

but I failed to complete the MMA quest (more like I've just cbb to do it halfway against gerero) because I was running out of HP potions :( But I seriously can't believe my Fengling is such a good tank against those bosses!

Hmmmm... whatelse? =/
Ah...there was the loading-screen contest, but none of my entries were selected =[
but grats to the winners ^^; I've decided to upload my entries here anyway (yes you may just scroll downwards if you find them as eyesores) oh and btw the last 1 was a failure, and I didn't upload it...

\(._.)/ well there isn't much to say at all, my school life is chaotic enough (and no I'm not going to talk about my school life)
